Robert A. Bryant
- The Book of Revelation: All Creation's Hallelujah (Resource Book and Leader's Guide)
- Gospel of Matthew: God With Us (Resource Book)
- First Corinthians: One in Christ (Resource Book)

Dr. Robert A. Bryant is the Kristen Herrington Professor of Bible at Presbyterian College. He holds a B.S. from Virginia Tech and an M.Div. and Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from Union Presbyterian Seminary. He joined PC’s Department of Religion and Philosophy in 1998 and teaches general education courses in Old and New Testament, upper-level New Testament courses, and biblical Greek. He also teaches courses in support of the college’s Environmental Studies Program. He has served as department chair and on the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, been a Visiting Scholar for Duke University, received PC’s Faculty Scholarship Award and its Professor of the Year Award, as well as the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities Teaching Excellence Award, is an adjunct faculty member of the Jerusalem Center for Biblical Studies, and twice received a German Academic Exchange Fellowship to teach as a Visiting Professor of Religion at the University of Education in Karlsruhe, Germany. He is the author of The Book of Revelation: All Creation's Hallelujah, The Risen Crucified Christ in Galatians, The Gospel of Matthew: God With Us and First Corinthians: One In Christ, plus numerous articles, and is a frequent lecturer. His work in rhetorical studies is included in the Handbook of Biblical Criticism.
Dr. Bryant is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and has served churches as Pastor and Supply Pastor in the Synods of the South Atlantic (South Carolina and Georgia) and the Mid-Atlantic (North Carolina and Virginia). He also teaches for lay schools of theology in a number of presbyteries and contributes to the development of Christian Education curricula. He is an avid outdoorsman and serves on the Board of Directors of the Laurens County Trails Association. He and his wife Leigh Ann live in Clinton, SC, and have two adult children, Stephen and Susannah.