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The Revelation to John--the last book of the Bible, and sometimes the first book to capture eyes and ears of people and cultures across time. This study enables groups to learn together about messages to first century (CE) churches and how these speak to churches today. Explore visions conveyed in apocalyptic style that provoke faithful wonder and how symbols and metaphors illustrate God’s character and purpose as well as the consequences of evil. Study the ways in which prophecy conveys what matters to God and what Christians need to do to remain faithful to the teachings of Jesus, the Messiah and Savior of the world, and to respect God’s loving care for all creation. The Leader Flash Drive includes the Leader’s Guide PDF, Dramatic Reading, a Slide Presentation and Video segments with the author Robert A. Bryant.
1 Approaching God’s Revelation to John
2 Vision of the Risen Christ
3 Visions of Letters to Seven Churches
4 Vision of God and the Lamb
5 Vision of Seven Seals
6 Vision of Seven Trumpets of Engagement
7 Vision of Seven Figures of Power
8 Vision of Seven Bowls of Judgment
9 Vision of Hallelujahs, Victory, and the Last Judgment
10 Vision of God’s Heavenly Kingdom on Earth

The Leader Kit contains the elements required for the leader: Click "Leader Kit" below for full description, a sample session of the Leader's Guide and Video Introduction with author Bob Bryant.