The Leader Kit contains the elements required for the leader:
Resource Book – The leader will start here, reading the same material as the participants, for guided reading along with their Bible.
Leader's Guide Digital Set – offers strategies and teaching aids on your choice of a USB Flash Drive or a 2-disk CD | DVD Kit and includes:
The Leader’s Guide PDF – is written to be used along with the Resource Book, offering clear guidelines for creative, participatory discussions, and each session offers multiple engaging activities. The PDF document provided on Disk or Flash Drive allows leaders to customize their own lesson plan. Copy & paste your choices into a new document and tailor for your class.
Slide Presentation (in PowerPoint and PDF) is for in-class and online use and include activities to enhance the learning experience.
questions for group discussion
the artwork of Revelation
- Hymn Index
- exercises from Resource book
Video Visits with the Author. Ten short videos (each, approximately five minutes) where the author offers introductory remarks and background information about the session.
View Dr. Bryant's Introduction to Session One here.
Reading Aloud The Revelation to John script (“Reading Aloud Revelation”) includes all twenty-two chapters of The Revelation to John and is designed for ten readers (or seven readers, if roles are combined). This script will be included on the Flash Drive and/or the CD portion of the Leader disc set.