The Scriptures and the Church
The Scriptures have always been central to the faith and life of the people of God. The Kerygma Program, through its publication of resources for the study of the Bible, program design, educational principles and training tools, seeks to encourage and support congregations in a responsible study of the Scriptures in the church. The process begins with recognition of the need for adult Bible study.
Contributing to the success of The Kerygma Program are several basic convictions concerning adults and the study of the Bible. These convictions are not theories based on speculation, but realities based in fact. In congregations large and small, urban, suburban, and rural, "typical" congregations where "everybody is too busy" and lethargic congregations where "no one is interested," the overwhelming evidence is that Bible study can be transformed and transforming.
The Scriptures have been central to the life of the people of God in every age. They can and should continue to play their central role of shaping, informing, judging, inspiring, motivating and energizing faith and life.
The purpose of The Kerygma Program is to help make that happen, to help congregations create and sustain an engaging program for the study of the Bible to which adults will enthusiastically respond.