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ISAIAH : Holy, Holy, Holy | Leader Kit


Leader’s Guide by Boyd Lien

The Leader Kit contains all of the elements required for the leader and includes:

  • A printed Resource Book 
  • Leader's Guide & Slide Presentation in PDF format on DVD or flash drive

Resource Book – The leader will start here, reading the same material as the participants, for guided reading along with their Bibles. Click here for more information on the Resource Book.

The Leader's Guide offers strategies and teaching aids including:  

  • Leader’s Guide document, in PDF format, designed to be used along with the Resource Book.  It offers clear guidelines for creative, participatory class discussion and activities. There are multiple engaging activities for each session to choose from, allowing leaders the opportunity to customize their lesson plans. Copy and paste your choices into a blank document a tailor for your class.  
  • Slide Presentation for in-class use with visuals and activities to enhance the learning experience.  Individual images of the slides are also included in jpeg format, if you wish to create your own.

     The slide presentation for each session includes the following:

    • opening prayers or responsive readings
    • questions for group discussion
    • summarizing quotes from biblical scholars
    • artwork depicting key biblical passages
    • maps, charts, and exercises from participant's Resource Book  

The Leader Kit includes: 1 printed Resource Book and the Leader Material on your choice of a Flash Drive or CD/DVD disc set. 
