Stories for Life in God's World
8 Sessions
The Leader Kit contains necessary resources for the leader/facilitator of this study of the parables of Jesus, and includes—
Resource Book (print format): a primary resource for leaders and participants to guide study and Bible readings. For more information on the Resource Book, Click here
The Leader's Guide, in PDF format, is designed for the leader’s use with the Resource Book. It offers clear guidelines and printable resources for engaging class discussions and active learning. There are multiple activities to choose from for each session, allowing leaders to customize their lesson plans.
- Slide presentation following each session is included to enhance the learning experience. The slide presentation for each session includes the following:
opening prayers or responsive readings
questions for group discussion
summarizing quotes from biblical scholars
Video visits with author Richard Henderson, include “Background from the Author” segments in a conversational format, a different video segment for each of the 8 sessions. Sample Here.

Leader kit includes; 1 Printed Resource Book and Leader Material on your choice-- \ Flash Drive or 2-Disc: CD/DVD
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