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First Corinthians: One in Christ




14 Sessions

Set amid the intensely modern and cosmopolitan world of Corinth, where philosophy and mystery abound, Paul’s first letter to that church speaks clearly to us still today.

So many foundational scripture passages, familiar to most by reference to chapter and verse alone, are found in this first letter to the Corinthians. The "Love Chapter," "the body is a temple," "the body requires a variety of members," and the words of institution for the Lord's Supper may immediately spring to mind.  No Bible study group should miss spending time with Paul as he instructs this troublesome congregation on how to "walk the talk" as well as tackling hot button topics that remain with the church today:

  • the role of women in the church
  • sexual purity
  • marriage and divorce

Paul offers concrete examples of how a believer’s thoughts are affected by genuine faith in Christ. Having the "mind of Christ" affects the way we value ourselves, others, and the world in which we live. It does not generate selfishness, fear, or factionalism. The mind of Christ radiates humility and peace — individually and corporately.    


·         A Different Word

·         Paul and the Corinthian Christians

·         A Call for Peace and Unity

·         What Wisdom is the Cross!

·         Sharing the Mind of Christ

·         Imitating Christ

·         Restoring the Church's Integrity

·         Sexuality and the Church

·         Responsible Freedom

·         Seeking Good for Others

·         Reclaiming Right Worship

·         Reclaiming Humility and Love

·         The Risen Crucified Christ

·         Love in Action

