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Kerygma Resources

The Kerygma Program offers over 40 Bible Study resources for groups!

A Resource Book.  Created for each participant to use as they prepare for the group study session. Essential for building each participant’s understanding of the biblical texts, and a separate

A Leader’s Guide.  Either printed or in PDF on Flash Drive or Disc.  Activities for each group session focusing on key topics helping to create interaction, and engagement with the texts for shared discoveries and community building.  Resources to support the facilitator, so they don’t need to give lectures. Tools to help the facilitator engage participants in active and meaningful leaning in which all share in discoveries, insights, and discussions include:

The Leader Kit  includes one printed Resource Book and one printed Leader's Guide. Many of our Leader's Guide are available in PDF on Flash or Disc and also include: Slide Presentations.  Adding a visual component for each group study session; and Videos from the Author.--Short video segments for each group session, providing background from the writer of the Resource Book to help the group both get to know the author and to hear the author’s comments on key components of the texts for the group study session. 

INTO THE WORLD: THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES by Carol Miller - The Kerygma Program
THE LIGHT WILL SHINE Resource Book by Carol J. Miller for The Kerygma Program
AMOS & HOSEA: BOUNDARIES, TOUGH LOVE, AMAZING GRACE Resource Book by George W. Ramsey for The Kerygma Program
KERYGMA: the BIBLE & THEOLOGY 1 Resource Book by Donald McKim - The Kerygma Program
KERYGMA: the BIBLE & THEOLOGY 2 Resource Book by Donald McKim - The Kerygma Program
KERYGMA: the BIBLE & THEOLOGY 3 Resource Book by Donald McKim - The Kerygma Program
KERYGMA: the BIBLE & THEOLOGY 4 Resource Book by Donald McKim - The Kerygma Program
BLESSED ARE YOU Resource Book by John Purdy - The Kerygma Program
COMMANDMENTS FOR A BLESSED LIFE Resource Book by Patricia Dutcher Walls - The Kerygma Program
EXODUS;: Gateway to the Bible Resource Book by Donald Gowan for The Kerygma Program
FIRST CORINTHIANS: ONE IN CHRIST Resource Book by Robert Bryant - The Kerygma Program
GALATIANS & JAMES; FAITH AND WORKS Resource Book by Carol Miller - The Kerygma Program
GOOD NEWS FOR ALL: THE GOSPEL OF LUKE Resource Book  by Carol Miller for The Kerygma Program
THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW: GOD WITH US Resource Book by Robert Bryant - The Kerygma Program
Kerygma Great Themes of the Bible - GOD CALLS LEADERS Resource Book by James Walther
Kerygma Great Themes of the Bible: GOD IS FAITHFUL Resource Book by James Walther
Great Themes of the Bible: KNOWING GOD Resource Book by James A Walther, Sr., The Kerygma Program
Kerygma Great Themes of the Bible: GOD SAVES A PEOPLE Resource Book by James Walther.
Kerygma's History of the Bible in English DVD by James Walther
HOSANNA: A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY THROUGH HOLY WEEK Resource Book by Carol Miller for The Kerygma Program
Isaiah Bible Study
LISTENING TO SCRIPTURE Resource Book by Richard Rohrbaugh - The Kerygma Program
DISCOVERING THE PSALMS: PASSION, PROMISE & PRAISE Resource Book by Donald Griggs for The Kerygma Program
SECOND CORINTHIANS; LIVING LETTERS IN CHRIST Resource Book by Calvin Roetzel - The Kerygma Program
38 results